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Found 17329 results for any of the keywords ion chamber. Time 0.008 seconds.
451B Ion Chamber Survey Meter with Beta Slide | Fluke BiomedicalThe 451B ion chamber survey meter measures radiation rate and accumulated dose from beta, gamma and x-ray radiation sources. The vented ion chamber is suited for a wide range of end users.
451P Radiation Detector - Pressurized | Fluke BiomedicalDesigned to measure leakage and scatter around diagnostic X-ray and radiation therapy suites, the 451P’s radiation measurement surveying capabilities make it well-suited for a wide range of end users.
Radiation Survey Meters | RaySafeUnfors RaySafe AB Björklundabacken 10 436 57 Hovås Sweden
Chamber Ambassadors - Wenatchee Valley Chamber of CommerceThe Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors are individuals actively engaging with the Chamber and taking advantage of the value offered through Chamber membership. Ambassadors volunteer to serve as a liaison be
Plant Growth Chamber | Manufacturer Supplier of Plant Growth ChamberPlant Growth Chamber - Newmeditech is the largest manufacturer of Plant Growth Chamber in India. We maintain a comprehensive portfolio of products including reach-in chambers, walk-in rooms, and full-scale, high performa
About the Chamber - Monahans Chamber of CommerceThe Monahans Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization which promotes business issues and concerns on behalf of its members for the betterment of the community.
Real-time Dosimetry Systems | RaySafeDose monitoring solution for real-time radiation insight
Calibration, Repair, and Service Program | RaySafeRaySafe X-ray modalities experts perform annual calibrations at our certified to ISO quality standards facilities.
X-Ray Test Equipment | RaySafeQuality assurance devices for X-ray equipment
Area Monitors | VictoreenVictoreen Area monitors are used for the detection of X-ray or gamma radiation in nuclear reactors, accelerators, hot cells, irradiators, and other radiation
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